Currently having a day off thursday because I have no exam schedule for today. Jadi, hari ini (harusnya) belajar untuk midtest besok dan lusa. Tapi ya biasa, mood ilang jadi harus di build up dulu moodnya. Ha! Alasan klise.
Anyway, super happy karena my last post hit 200++ views!!!! What a kind of achievement for me. Hehehehe. Seneng banget dapet banyak respon positif tentang cerita pendek di post sebelum ini, it really pulls my trigger on to write moreee and of course! read more. Hehe terima kasih yang sudah nyempetin waktu untuk baca ceritanya. I'm working on the next story, tapi kayanya harus pending sedikit karena..
Nope, I'm not a law student. Tapi di komunikasi belajar juga gitu-gituan, yikesss. Nanti habis midtest selesai Insha Allah cerita baru akan muncul! Yey.
Because at first I called this as a very quick update, so I'd better quit now. Ciao.